Review: how My new 2018 15″ MacBook pro Stacks Up against My Mid-2012 model it’s Replacing


It’s six years ago this month that I got my 15″ Retina MacBook Pro. Although it’s also mostly brand new it’s starting to feel a little long in the tooth.

The 2018 line of MacBook Pro’s was the announcement I was waiting for and I’ve had the maker for just over a week now. So how does it stack up in comparison to its ageing sibling?

I kassen

The height of the new MacBook has slimmed down from 1.8 cm on my mid-2012 maker to 1.5 cm, the width reduces by a full centimetre (35.9 cm to 34.9) while the depth goes from 24.7 cm to 24.0 cm. The weight reduces by 10% too from 2.0 kg to 1.8 kg. The improved dimensions, along with slimmer bezels and even the darker space Grey colour, give the overall feeling of a slightly smaller, slightly lighter machine.

So there’s a little 2 quid USB-C to USB-A adaptor included in the box to get you up and running with all your old tech, right? Nix. For all their talk about customer fulfillment Apple continue to be tighter than a very tight thing. The only other items you’ll find in the box are the 87W USB-C power adapter and the 2m USB-C charge cable.

I mourn the untimely death of the MagSafe connector and there’s not even a light on the charging cord anymore so no green / orange status indicator. On the up side I can now power my MacBook from a variety of 3rd party sources including an external battery. In addition the option to use any of the 4 ports for charging indicates that if you sleep on the ideal side of the bed the charging cord can now plug into the proper side


The CPU powering this laptop is the new 8th gen 2.6GHz Intel Core i7 Coffee Lake hex-core. but how does it do in real-world use in comparison to my mid-2012 laptop?

The 6-core processor can Turbo improve up to 4.3GHz and in a few non-scientific test I timed some normal tasks that put the system under load.

Lightroom: Export 300 RAW files to .jpg

2012 – 18mins 36 seconds
2018 – 8mins 29 seconds

Handbrake: Re-encode a 1GB .mkv file to a smaller .mp4

2012 – 18mins 54 seconds
2018 – 5mins 51 seconds

Safe to say then it’s a major lead forward, as you’d expect from 6 years of progress. The maker is silent in normal operation and remains relatively quiet even when the fans are on. A thermal throttling bug on the new Pros had sent YouTube apoplectic last week, but all is good now after Apple released a patch to fix the issue.

Keyboard & Trackpad

Apples butterfly keyboard has come in for a lot of criticism for being too easily disabled by dirt and dust. That’s resulted in the launch of a repair program for effected units. but it looks like this 3rd generation keyboard has been fixed, despite being disguised as an improvement “for quieter typing”. Apple are facing several class-action law suits over the old design so may not like advertising the fact that there’s a lot more to it than that. While the backlit keys are flat and travel is additionally reduced, I’ve taken to it from day one and find it fast and accurate.

The Touch Bar has also come in for a fair amount of criticism. I’ve found there are some beneficial custom-made keys for Logic and final Cut, even things like the calculator.

But is the trade off between the flexibility of the new OLED screen and the ease of use of the old tactile keys worth it? It’s too early for a definitive opinion, but I’d say at this point it’s mostly a gimmick, and a step backwards for several basic tasks like volume control. My fingers inadvertently rest on it several times a day, either hitting the esc crucial or back crucial which is very annoying.

Unsurprisingly the Touch ID finger print sensor is pretty great, especially for things like 1Password. The maker will also unlock using the proximity of my Apple enjoy which is great too. The trackpad has grown again and now procedures 16 cm x 10 cm. It’s pretty much peerless in the personal computer world in my experience.

Storage, RAM & Battery

The standard SSD on the 2.6GHz i7 is now 512GB (double the 256GB from 6 years ago) with optional upgrades to 1TB (+£360), 2TB (+£1,080) or an extraordinary 4TB (at an equally extraordinary +£2,880).

My 2012 MBP topped out at around 475MB/s. The 1TB SSD in this maker however is on a different planet. combined with the new a lot more efficient Apple file System it pulls around 2.7GB/s in my tests. This is maybe the single greatest upgrade in how the maker feels in day-to-day use.

One of the other advantages of the new architecture is the ability to spec 32GB of RAM. Although it was a painful £360 for the pleasure, this allows me to allocate my virtual machines a lot more memory which helps speed them up too.

It’s the slightly less power efficient 2400MHz DDR4 memory variety, but Apple have boosted the size of the battery to maintain the ‘up to’ 10 hour life.

Again it’s early days but I’ve already seen 9 hours of light use (just enjoying motion pictures for example), that’s nTidligt dobbelt så meget batteriets levetid på min gamle maskine. Imidlertid skyder det endelige klip eller endda Lightroom og nyd den istat -menubatteritid, der resterende estimering ændrer sig meget hurtigt.

Grafik & display

Det diskrete grafikkort i denne producent er en Radeon Pro 560x med 4 GB GDDR5 -hukommelse. Selvom det ikke er NVIDIA GTX 1080, har det meget mere end nok grynt til at drive en fremragende multi-monitor-opsætning af UP af fire 4K-skærme eller to 5K’er. Apple udtrykker det sådan …

Understøtter samtidig fuld indbygget opløsning på det indbyggede display på millioner af farver og:
Op til to skærme med 5120 × 2880 opløsning ved 60Hz ved over en milliard farver
Op til fire skærme med 4096 × 2304 opløsning ved 60Hz ved over en milliard farver
Thunderbolt 3 digital videooutput
Native DisplayPort output over USB -C
VGA, HDMI og Thunderbolt 2 Output understøttet ved hjælp af adaptere (solgt separat)

Ægte tone ændrer skærmen (og berøringsbjælke) farvetemperatur for at matche den omgivende belysning af dine omgivelser. Dette er en anden Apple -funktion, som du ikke vidste, at du ville, før du havde det. Efter 8 måneder ved at bruge det på iPhone X kan jeg sige, at det bestemt er dejligt at have.

Bortset fra ægte tone er displayspecifikationerne næppe ændret fra min 6 -årige maskine. Selvom de 2880 x 1800 indfødte RE’er nu er standard til “ligner 1680 x 1050”, i stedet for 1920 x 1200 i den ældre producent, så det giver meget mere arbejdsområde og en mindre punktstørrelse.

Det ville have været dejligt at have en 4K -skærm på 15 ″ nu (Dell XPS 15 klipper en 3840 x 2160 RES), og en yderligere reduktion af skærme -bezels ville også hjælpe med at bringe det op til dato.


Producenten har fire ultrahurtige og fleksible Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) porte med støtte til opladning, displayport, tordenbolt (op til 40 Gbps) og USB 3.1 gen 2 (op til 10 Gbps). Den eneste anden port er en 3,5 mm hovedtelefonstik. Jeg bruger Aukey USB C Hub, som angiver tilslutning af den på en port om morgenen, giver mig Ethernet, HDMI, Power Pass-Trough og USB-A.

For mig er fjernelse af SD -kortspalten det største negative af denne maskine. Det er noget, jeg brugte meget på min MBP i 2012, og jeg føler, at det er virkelig dårligt, at Apple tog beslutningen om at fjerne det, da de frigav 2016 -designet.

Der er ingen undskyldning for det, SD er stadig det valgte format for mange kameraer, og nu er jeg nødt til at bære en dongle bare for det (jeg kan anbefale denne).

Der er 802.11ac aromatiseret Wi -Fi om bord (802.11a/b/g/n kompatibel) og Bluetooth 5.0 også.


Den nye Apple T2 -chip giver “Hey Siri” -støtte, så du kan indkalde assistenten fra dens 3 mikrofoner med kun din stemme, første gang på enhver Mac. Jeg har dog aldrig brugt Siri på min gamle producent og tvivler på, at jeg vil bruge det på denne.

Apple-specialfremstillet silicium integrerer også den sikre enklave-coprocessor såvel som forskellige delsystemer, herunder billedsignalbehandling plus også lyd- og SSD-controllere. T2 -chippen håndterer også diskkryptering, hvilket efterlader CPU -gratis for at koncentrere sig om anden opgave.

Jeg er ikke sikker på, hvordan maskinerne 2016 og 2017 var, men de nye stereohøjttalere på denne bærbare computer er et stort skridt fremad. Der foregår nogle alvorlige DSP i køb for at få dem til at lyde meget større end de er. Sæt det på denne måde, jeg tager ikke længere en Bluetooth -højttaler med mig, når jeg nyder et filmbillede i badet

720p FaceTime Front Facing Cam får et klistermærke til at dække det.


Som du kunne forvente dengang, er MacBook Pro 2018 et stort spring fremad. Nogle operationer tager mindre end en tredjedel af tiden i midt i 2012-producenten takket være den fantastiske CPU- og SSD-præstation. Den ekstra batterilevetid, der opkræver fleksibilitet sammen med pasform og finish og OS, gør dette til en meget ønskelig maskine.

Vil det levere 6 års service som sin forgænger? Lad os se.



Ny Apple MacBook Pro med Apple M1 Chip (13 -tommer, 8 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD) – Space Grey (seneste model)

388 anmeldelser

£ 1.319,00

Gå på Amazon2

2021 Apple MacBook Pro (14-tommer, Apple M1 Pro Chip med 10-core CPU og 16-Core GPU, 16 GB RAM, …

136 anmeldelser

£ 2.125,00

Gå på Amazon


2020 Apple MacBook Pro med Apple M1 Chip (13 -tommer, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD) – Space Grey

1.331 anmeldelser

£ 1.157,97

Gå på Amazon

+ SSD -hastighed
+ CPU -hastighed
+ makos
+ Byggekvalitet
+ Fingerprint sensor
+ Pegefelt
+ Evne til at oplade fra et batteri

– Ingen SD -slot
– Ingen magsafe

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